How to object to the OUFC Planning Application: General Guidance


The deadline for comments is 22 April 2024 but we have been advised by Cherwell that comments will be accepted after this date.  Please comment as soon as possible and consider mid-May to be the cut-off point.


Shortcuts:  Planning Application - 24/00539/F; FoSB Key Points page

1. General Hints and Tips

  • Only material planning considerations can be taken into account by a planning committee when assessing a planning application (we refer to these as Key Points:  see (2) below for more on this).  Typically, these can include (but are not limited to):  
  • Design, appearance and materials
  • Parking provision
  • Highway safety
  • Traffic congestion
  • Environmental pollution e.g. noise
  • Drainage and flood risk
  • Landscape impact
  • Nature conservation
  • Impact on trees
  • Allocated development sites identified in the Local Development Plan and or Neighbourhood Development Plans
  • Government policy and guidance
  • Your response will hold more weight if it relates to the above points.
  • Don’t worry if you didn’t cover these points in a comment you’ve already submitted - just submit a second one which states that you wish to raise further points of objection.
  • Reponses from different individuals in the same household count so please encourage friends and family members to respond as well and share with other groups.

2. Summary of Key Points

Our Key Points page can be found here and covers useful points you may wish to raise. PLEASE DO NOT directly copy and paste the wording – it may damage our case if responses look scripted. Instead, choose some of the areas, and use your own words.  You don’t need to cover everything!


In summary, we believe the following are the most relevant but please raise any and all considerations that you feel are important.

  • Green Belt:  Failure to demonstrate the ‘very special circumstances’ needed to build on the Green Belt. 
  • Traffic congestion and road closures
  • Parking
  • Nature conservation/impact on trees
  • Highway safety & general safety issues


3. Comments already posted

For further information and inspiration we would like to highlight the following comments that have already been posted:


4. How to respond

The application can be viewed on the Cherwell District Council Plannning Register: Planning Application - 24/00539/F.

The "Supporting Documents" section contains the application details and supporting documents along with responses received so far from consultees and the public. There is a huge amount of information and it would take days to read through and absorb all of it. To save time, just view our
Key Points page which will tell you all you need to know. You may additionally wish to look at areas of interest or expertise to see the detail.


Responses can be submitted by clicking on the ‘Comment on this application’ button. You can either type comments directly into this form, or save your comments as a PDF to attach.  To avoid losing partly completed comments you may want to draft them on a Word document and then copy to the form. 


Alternatively you can email your comments to:   making sure that you include the reference (24/00539/F), your name, address and a statement that you OBJECT along with the reasons why.


If you want help, please email