News article

News article · 14 April 2024
We hope you will support us by objecting to the Oxford United planning application before 22 April. This is a critical step in stopping the stadium and we really need your assistance.
Biodiversity Reports
News article · 25 March 2024
We are grateful to Dr Judith Webb, an experienced independent ecological consultant, who has generously updated the reports that she wrote on the Triangle and the Woodland to the south. These reports show a staggering level of biodiversity and an important relationship between the two areas. Based on a number of factors Dr Webb also concludes that the Woodland is Ancient Woodland and as such should be given a much higher level of protection than Oxford United is planning. Both Dr Webb’s...

News article · 08 March 2024
Oxford United’s planning application is now available on Cherwell District Council’s planning portal ( The reference is 24/00539/F and the closing date for comments is 22 April 2024. We will be providing some guidance on how to respond and hope to email you with this in the week commencing 8 April. Please wait for our guidance before responding! Meanwhile if you have expertise in any area of the application and...
News article · 03 March 2024
Dear Friends As you may have read in the local press (paywall) Oxford United has recently submitted a planning application for the stadium. The application will be available to view on Cherwell’s planning portal once it has been validated by officers. Based on previous experience of the club’s output it’s possible the application may fall short of the council’s requirements. So we await...
News article · 16 January 2024
Legal Challenge and Kidlington Parish Council Grant Application In late 2023, we made a grant application (£3,000) to Kidlington Parish Council to help cover the costs of a Judicial Review. We have strong support in Kidlington and the surrounding areas: consultations to date demonstrate a majority locally are against a stadium on the Triangle. The Parish Poll which took place in May 2023 clearly demonstrated local views and helped inform the Parish Council’s current position in which it has...
Season's Greetings to all our wonderful supporters
News article · 24 December 2023
Dear Friends We've been campaigning against the stadium for nearly two years now. There have been major successes, for example the County Council's withdrawal of Stratfield Brake as an option. The Council has also recently told OUFC that the Oxford Road cannot be closed/disrupted. We believe this poses significant challenges for fan transport to/from the site. OUFC's timeline for opening the stadium in 2026 included submitting a planning application in October 2023. So far as we're aware at the...

News article · 20 September 2023
Thank you to all our supporters to date, and everyone who emailed their concerns directly to Councillors. Our efforts made a difference! Councillors felt unable to follow Officers’ recommendation to sell the land to Oxford United and instead agreed that the land should only be leased, subject to conditions being met. These include that the club will achieve planning permission, and provide a full set of clear and detailed proposals. This is great news: it means that now both Stratfield Brake...
News article · 12 September 2023
News article · 12 September 2023
Kidlington Parish Council have written to Oxfordshire County Council to object to the stadium proposal.
News article · 08 September 2023
The results of the OCC Consultation have been released. Here is our response...

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